Pollination plays a huge role in the foods we eat today. Some crops that thrive when pollinated are cherries, apples, blueberries, prunes, alfalfa, etc. Wingfield Honey Co. is mostly involved in almond pollination at the beginning of the year in California.

If you are interested in beekeeping and ready to make the leap, a very good way to begin is to start with a nucleus colony. A 5-frame cardboard box, filled with 3 frames of brood, 2 frames of honey and pollen and a proven and established queen, is the best way to get started. Many of my nucs, started in April, make a nice CA honey crop by end of summer.

Queen rearing has been one of the most rewarding parts of beekeeping. We usually choose our breeder queen for her cleanliness, brood pattern, population size, color, size, honey production, and etc.

It has been such a blessing to be able to make honey in both California and Montana. We are able to produce local wildflower honey in the foothills of Nevada County and local alfalfa/sweet clover honey under the big sky of Rosebud and Treasure County.
*This is a photo of my dad and I with a barrel of Montana honey.